Most real estate gurus will tell you that getting deals is easy. But any investor on the ground who has worked months to get a deal will tell you that those gurus are full of it! They’re definitely downplaying the hard work and dedication it takes to actually turn a single lead into a deal.

If you’re wondering what it REALLY takes to get one deal, then keep reading because we’ll be breaking it all down for you.

Rarely Shared Facts About What It Takes To Get A Deal

Here are some rarely shared real estate investing facts that break down how much time and work goes into getting a single deal.

  • Fact 1: You need 45 leads to get 1 deal.
  • Fact 2: Only 15 (⅓) of those leads will be viable.
  • Fact 3: You need to make 250 relentless follow-up calls & texts to get to the offer.
  • Fact 4: You’ll spend 12+ hours of your time on the phone to get to this stage.
  • Fact 5: You need to make 7 offers to get 1 deal.
  • Fact 6: It takes 4 months for a lead to become a deal. (Just embrace it!)

The #1 Reason Why Real Estate Investors Fail

The top cause of REI failure is the Fear of Rejection coupled with Lack of Relentless Followup. Let’s explore both of these a little more…

How Can You Overcome Your Fear of Rejection?

Knowing the facts can help you overcome your fear of rejection. For example, knowing that out of every 45 leads, you’d get turned down 44 times, but you’d get at least 1 deal from your efforts, might make those rejections sting a little less.

With that said, to get to that deal, you’ll need to follow up relentlessly. This leads us to our next point…

Are you REALLY Relentlessly Following up?

Most real estate investors fail because they stop following up after the first “no” or their first hangup, while others stop following up after their 2nd or 3rd call to a lead.

The problem with both failure points is that most leads finally begin being willing to talk to you between your 5th and 7th touchpoint. This means that for 45 leads you’ll need to make at least 250 relentless follow-up calls or texts, which equates to about 12 hours or more on the phone. And keep in mind that this is just the amount of follow-up you’ll need to do if you’re trying to get 1 deal out of 45 leads a month.

If your goal is to close 5-7 deals a month, you’ll need to multiply all of the above by the number of deals you’re wanting to close.

Let’s just say you want to close 4 deals a month, you’ll need:

180 Leads

1,000 Follow-Up calls

48 hours of your time

= 4 Deals

If you just sighed or groaned because you hate talking on the phone, or you don’t have 48 hours a month to spend just making phone calls alone—we’ve got some positive news for you. You don’t have to do this alone! 

Want More Deals Without More Phone Time?

If you’ve ever heard the term— “delegate to elevate”—then you know that as long as you try to spend all of your time doing the necessary relentless follow-up required to get 1 deal, it could take years for you to finally be able to scale up to where you want to go. And even then you’ll always be capped at how much time you can invest in this process.

When you delegate your sales and marketing to our Done-For-You team, you’ll have more time to go on appointments, build rapport with sellers, and close bigger and better deals so you can grow your business. And eventually, you’ll start closing 2 out of 45 leads, and then 3+ deals out of 45 leads, and so on.

Our sales ninja phone team handles all of your inbound calls and outbound follow-up. They also handle your pre-qualification screening, and deal with all those tire kickers who drain your energy and your spirit, so you don’t have to.

Instead of spending 48 hours of your precious time glued to the phone, doing what’s probably the least fun part of your business, you can hand this work off to a team of phone sales ninjas who can do all of this grunt work for you for the equivalent cost of one part-time employee.

Schedule a free discovery call with us to learn more about our Done-For-You Services today!